Senin, 05 November 2012



Aya : Hi ! Abdur how are you?
Abur : Oh... Aya I’m fine thanks. And you?
Aya : Fine Thanks.
Abdur : What are you doing here?
Aya : I'm waiting for a friend
Abdur: By the way, What do you do now?
Aya : I’m a manager.  And you Abdur?
Abdur : I’m an Engineer. What company do you work for?
Aya : I work For UPS Company
Abdur : Where do you work?
Aya : I work in an office in Bandung.
Abdur : How much is your salary?
Aya : Rp 3.000.000-,
Abdur : How long have you worked there?
Aya : 3 years. Sorry Abdur my friend had come.
Abdur: No problem. See you next time.
Aya : See you.

Written by Puspita Rohmanawati Sunarjo



Chairul Tanjung was born at Jakarta on June 16, 1962. He is an Indonesian businessman who ranks 18th in the list of Indonesian richest people. He is the Chairman and founder of CT Corp (Indonesia). He obtained a bachelor degree at Faculty of Dentistry,University of Indonesia.
He bought Bank Karman and changed the name to Bank Mega. He expanded his business interests into insurance and securities. Chairul now involved in the television business, founded Trans TV and acquisitioned TV 7 from Kompas-Gramedia group. In addition, Chairul owns property projects, such as Bandung Super Mall, Batam Indah Prospertindo, Para Bali Propertindo, and Mega Indah Propertindo. In 2012, he bought a minority shares of Garuda Indonesia. His Holding Company is CT Corp., formerly Para Group with 3 subholding.
§  Mega Corp. is financial business sub holding
§  Trans Corp. is media, life style, department stores, consumer goods, hotel and entertainment sub holding
§  CT Global Resource is agribusiness and energy sub holding
He has been seen meeting a Guru in Bangalore named Yadavendra

Currently, Chairul is head of Persatuan Bulu Tangkis Seluruh Indonesia (PBSI).
At the age of 50, a 360 pages Chairul Tanjung biography has been launched with title, Chairul Tanjung Si Anak Singkong (Chairul Tanjung the Cassava Child, cassava means socially inferior)

1.      When Chairul Tanjung was born?
2.      What degree are accepted by Chairul Tanjung?
3.      Mentions 5 company was be founded by Chairul Tanjung?
4.      What tittle of biography which was launched by Chairul Tanjung?
5.      How old when Chairul Tanjung launching his book?

1.      He was born at June 16th 1962
2.      He earned his medical degree dental
3.      It’s Bank Mega, Transcorp, Bandung Supermall, Batam Indah Prospertindo
4.      Chairul Tanjung Si Anak Singkong
5.      At 50 years old

Written By Sugesti Indah Warasari

Describing Company

Rara : Hi Pipit ! May I ask about your company to an article in TIME magazine ?
Pipit : Yes, of course.
Rara : What’s company do you work for ?
Pipit : Honda Motor Company, Ltd.
Rara : Where is it ?
Pipit : Honda Motor Company, Ltd. is headquartered in Minato Tokyo, Japan
Rara : Who is the founder ?
Pipit : Soichiro Honda And Takeo Fujisawa.
Rara : What’s products do you make ?
Pipit : The products are motorcycle, internal combustion engines, and car.
Rara : Where do you sell your products ?
Pipit : We sell the products all over the world.
Rara : How many employess?
Pipit : We have about 179.060 people work for the company in the 2012
Rara : How much total revenues in the 2012 ?
Pipit : We revenues about  ¥7,948 triliun in 2012
Rara : Thank you for your information.

Written By Farah Soraya

Daily Routines

My name is Abdurrahman and I have daily routines. I get up at 04.50 am in the morning. After that I pray subuh at 05.00 am and then take a bath at 06.00 am. I have breakfast at 06.30 am next I preparing go to college at 07.30 am. In the collage I studied at 08.00 am until 11.40 am. Thereafter I pray zuhur at 12.15 pm and I go home at 12.30 pm. After that I have lunch at 01.00 pm then I take a nap at 02.00 pm until 05.00 pm. And then I take a bath and pray asar at 05.15 pm next I pray magrib and reading Qur’an at 06.00 pm until 07.00 pm. Thereafter I pray isya at 07.10 pm and I have dinner at 07.30. I have study at 08.00 pm until 10.00 pm. I sleep at 10.30 pm in the night. That’s all my daily routine.

Written By Abdurrahman Maulana Hardi

Senin, 22 Oktober 2012


A. Personal Information

Pipit     : What’s your number ?
Aya     : My phone number ?
Pipit     : Yes.
Aya     : My phone number is zero two zero...
Pipit     : Sorry ?
Aya     : Zero two zero, eight eight zero, six two three, four five
Pipit     : What’s your email address ?
Aya     :
Pipit     : Ok. Thanks.
Aya     : You are welcome.

Written By Farah Soraya

B. Timetable

A: Excuse me, what’s the time?
B : It’s eleven o’clock.
A : When’s the next train?
B : It’s at a quarter past eleven.
A : Ok. Thank’s

Written By Abdurrahman Maulana Hardi

B. Reading Time and Prices



Written By Sugesti Indah Warasari

 D.  Buying Food

Pipit     : Could I have a hot dog please?
Abdur  : Anything else?
Pipit     : Um... yes, and an orange juice, please.
Abdur : That’s five dollars fourty eight cent please
Pipit     : Five dollars fourty eight cent
Abdur  : Thank’s

Written By Puspita Rohmanawati Sunarjo

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012


A.   Introducing Yourself and Others
Sam     : Hello, I’m Sam Pick.
Lara     : Hi, I’m Lara Kay. Nice to meet you.
Sam     :  Nice to meet you.
Lara     : Welcome to IBM system.
Sam     : Thank’s

Written By Sugesti Indah Warasari

B.     Saying Where Are You From
Lara     : So where are you from Sam?
Sam     : Paris.
Lara     : Right. The fashionable city!
Sam     : Yes! And you, Lara? Are you from London?
Lara     : No, I’m from Manchester. IBM Design, in Manchester.
Sam     : Ok

Written By Farah Soraya

C.    Cities, Country Location
Aya      : Whrere are you from, Rara ?
Rara     : I’m from Beijing.
Aya      : Where is Beijing ?
Rara     : It’s in North East China.
Abdur   : Where are you from pipit ?
Pipit     : I’m from Seoul.
Abdur  : Where is Seoul ?
Pipit     : It’s in South West Korea near Incheon.

Written By Abdurrahman Maulana Hardi

D.    Offering drinks
Abdur  : Would you like a drink, Rara ?
Rara     : Yes, please. Could I have a coffee ?
Abdur  : Yes. Milk ? Sugar ?
Rara     : With mlik, please. No sugar.
Abdur  : Ok. And Aya ?
Aya      : Could I have an apple juice, please ?
Abdur  : Sure.

Written By Puspita Rohmanawati Sunarjo