Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012


A.   Introducing Yourself and Others
Sam     : Hello, I’m Sam Pick.
Lara     : Hi, I’m Lara Kay. Nice to meet you.
Sam     :  Nice to meet you.
Lara     : Welcome to IBM system.
Sam     : Thank’s

Written By Sugesti Indah Warasari

B.     Saying Where Are You From
Lara     : So where are you from Sam?
Sam     : Paris.
Lara     : Right. The fashionable city!
Sam     : Yes! And you, Lara? Are you from London?
Lara     : No, I’m from Manchester. IBM Design, in Manchester.
Sam     : Ok

Written By Farah Soraya

C.    Cities, Country Location
Aya      : Whrere are you from, Rara ?
Rara     : I’m from Beijing.
Aya      : Where is Beijing ?
Rara     : It’s in North East China.
Abdur   : Where are you from pipit ?
Pipit     : I’m from Seoul.
Abdur  : Where is Seoul ?
Pipit     : It’s in South West Korea near Incheon.

Written By Abdurrahman Maulana Hardi

D.    Offering drinks
Abdur  : Would you like a drink, Rara ?
Rara     : Yes, please. Could I have a coffee ?
Abdur  : Yes. Milk ? Sugar ?
Rara     : With mlik, please. No sugar.
Abdur  : Ok. And Aya ?
Aya      : Could I have an apple juice, please ?
Abdur  : Sure.

Written By Puspita Rohmanawati Sunarjo

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